Web Hosting on a budget

Determining the right web hosting service our company or business need is very important. Nevertheless, a vital aspect we always must consider is our budget and the kind of things we are able to do with it. When you are preparing your business plan and you are intending make a good budget, it is good that you consider make a good research about the web hosting your company currently need. In addition, there are several things you must have in mind. That’s why is absolutely necessary make a business plan where we can outline our expenses –or business investments—in order we can make a good decision that cannot affect our operations.

In this article I would like to talk about those important things you have to consider in order you can choose a web hosting service that suit with your business needs and make you keep the productivity level you require. Furthermore, I would liketo talk about those things are necessary to evaluate when you have to include a web hosting in your business budget.

• Web hosting purpose: In most cases is very important you can hire an expert that help you to identify –according to your company needs—the web hosting you need. Nevertheless, the first thing you have to know what you gong to do with this web are hosting. Nowadays, we are living in the cloud-computing era and technology requirements as well as services online have had a dramatically change. Having this in mind, we must consider whether we need a web hosting or maybe pay for some Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) or a Platform as a Service (PaaS). That’s why is very important to have a clear knowledge of the most suitable option for our business and
how we can get the most out of it.

• Operating System: Each web hosting plan comes with a determined operating system. Sometimes we need a windows-based web hosting plan and in other moments we need a Linux based web hosting plan. We have to determine that, in the case we have decided that we need a web hosting for our company. Depending on our company size we must consider that in our budget.

• Disk Space: This is a very important aspect. Sometimes we have to pay for addition disk space
because we haven’t made the right decision. So, it is good you can make a good plan and when you are trying to include a web hosting on a budget, try to evaluate disk space costs in a convenient web hosting plan.

• Email accounts: Both domain name services and web hosting services provides free email accounts that often use the domain name (i.eg. info@yourdomain.com). If you are a company with too many employees, perhaps your will need as many business email accounts as the number of people are working in your company. Try to choose the best web domain plan that let you get the better benefit from this need.

• Pros and Cons: In your budget should be reflected the result of pros and cons in order you can choose the best option for your company or business.

• At least 3 quotations: As a support of your budget it is good you to make at least 3 of the best quotations in order you can have documents that can support your budget.

Unique content is the key to Google success

SEO professionals as well as internet marketers have several concerns about content uniqueness and the best practices to work with high quality web content. In fact, site popularity and above all pagerank is the result of an outstanding work in this aspect. No matter how good-looking your website is and even, the cutting-edge technology you have used in it. The most relevant variable is provide to visitors, customers and prospects useful content that is unique, helpful and with the quality your audience deserve. In this article I would like to tell you how important unique content is to succeed in Google –as well as the rest of search engines— and get the most out of your online business.

• Study how PageRank works: One of the most significant things you can do for having an in-depth understanding about the importance of unique content is study how Google PageRank works. You must understanding that the page rank is an arithmetical algorithm developed by the Google co-founder Larry Page where web site relevance is based on link building quality and unique content quality. Another important thing is that you must continuously study and learn the characteristics of Google algorithm in order you can get the most out of the web. Google crawler algorithm often changes and for 2011, sites with unique content will be the sites that will have the support from Google to get the relevance every online business is expecting.

• Informative articles go first: When you publish content in your blog or website that is informative
and useful, Google take it as its priority. In other words, Google will index only informative content that people can use to solve daily problems. Have you ever read stories that make you learn positive things? When you write articles about how to fix something yourself or home repair articles with good quality and extensive content you will be more likely to rank better in Google and other search engines.

•Duplicate content is illegal: Duplicate content from others website –you don’t own and you haven’t written—could lead you to legal problems in most countries around the world due intellectual property issues. In addition, you could be sued by any person, company or institution that feel affected by the inadequate use of its original content. You can avoid all these problems just investing money and time in developing unique content for your blog or website.

• Avoid be banned: Additionally, Google reserves the right to block URLs of those users that are violating rules described in the TOS (terms of service) as well as all the regulations you must accomplish. Content duplication from other websites or blogs is a violation and your business is going to be seriously affected because you are not working with unique content by you.

•Unique content give you relevance: One of the most significant benefits you will receive when you
provide unique content to your customers is that you will get the popularity, relevance and quality
traffic you need to increase your sales and get the expected revenue. Moreover, when you write unique content you are making a contribution to your audience and Google supports those sites
that are willing to help people to be more productive and efficient.

A bad economy is just a good excuse to get into owning and managing websites

Since financial crisis started –at the middle of the year 2007—in United States and the rest of the world, sales dropped in much kind of sectors around the world and depression and chaos were everywhere. During the latest months, we have been experiencing a slow recovering in the economy of the world and financial situation has been restored in several ways. I firmly believe that you must understand the times we are currently living and this society is based on knowledge.

The more knowledge you have on internet business the higher is going to be the benefits you will receive in your company. Bad economy and drop in sales have made several people try to invest more time in make the dirty work but they don’t know while they are investing time in work pretty hard are losing the opportunity to think more strategically. The present time in business realm require of thinkers who are able to determine the next plan that is going to lead you to the success in any kind of business you have online.

Work with 40-60 Law: This is an outstanding way you can work. This is the law 40-60 (40% of learning and 60% of work) where you can invest a significant part of your time learning new things, concepts, strategies, market paradigms and tendencies. In addition, this is a smarter way to work and get better results. I personally believe that is better when you dedicate time to learn than investing 100% of your time in hard work. Furthermore, we are living in information era and it is supposed we must pursuit be part of the knowledge society.

•Delegate dirty work: Something that is very difficult for many people is delegate. There are people who believe if they don’t do anything it will be a mess. You must have the confidence to delegate the dirty and time-consuming work to other people that allows you have sufficient time to innovate and make your company always keep in the position it deserves.

• Save money strategically: Everybody knows that. Making an efficient budget and planning how you are moving your money is the best way to think strategically. Never say you don’t have a large budget, you only have to make your plan and do the things you are capable to do with the money you have.

• Outsourcing: When we are owners of a company that requires hire the services of another company or we are working on a project and you are interested in outsource a part of it; this could be an excellent alternative. There are SEO companies that provide you an excellent service where you only receive reports and notifications but they are absolutely in charge of all your web sites.

• Hire skilled freelancers: The difference between freelancing and outsourcing is the first is just home-based employees that provide any kind of professional service. It could be a very affordable way to delegate to someone the responsibility of administering your websites and blogs.